Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rant time!

Well, I missed yesterday but that's okay cause I do what I want.


Onto today's blog post. I would first like to begin with a little rant.

iTunes... Is the most retarded, unusable, stupid piece of shit ever created. Okay okay, it's not THAT bad. Wait.... yeah, it is. Why the hell cant i re-download music I've already BOUGHT? Why re-download it you may ask? Because my entire Library is gone. (5000+ songs) Why is it gone? Let me share with you a grand tale. Yesterday my lovely father recently decided to invest in a 64 GB iPod touch. So not wanting to share a Itunes library with him, I decided to create two different libraries. No big deal right? So i went on this lovely new invention called the internet and learned how to do it... from the OFFICIAL iTunes website. So it tells me to hold the shift key when i open iTunes and click create library. So I do so unbeknownst that it would COMPLETELY delete my entire library. No "Creating new library will delete current iTunes library unless previously saved." I mean.. how hard would it be to put that in there? And for those that say "It's your own damn fault for not saving your library" I'm sorry but it should be way easier to save my library. When I open "file" it should be there... clearly "SAVE iTUNES LIBRARY" But you know what's there? Library. Then you open up the little tab and click "Export iTunes library" Why export? Why can't it say save? Anyway I just think it's really sketchy and I also hate that by me buying an iPod it FORCES me to use terrible piece of software.

Now, for my daily events today:

Had a science test (went okay)

Played with some LEGO's (AWESOME)

Watched half of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, stopped to go write this blog post.

So I'm gone now to watch Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi kick Darth Maul's ASS.


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