Monday, May 10, 2010

Well.... it's monday, and in typical monday fashion I felt like I was asleep the entire day. I had a pretty good weekend, my activities include:


Chillaxin' to the maxin'

Playing MTG

Watching Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones.

Playing Pallar Anders Visa and Acoustic Medley by In Flames. (Check em')


Walking dogs at the SPCA

More Chillin'


Watched Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


Celebrated Mothers Day / My brothers Birthday

Watched Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope

Watched half of Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back

Started building my LEGO X-wing

Ate Cake.

Now my blog was gotten somewhat boring/stupid/pointless/painful but thats no problem because this is just a low point in my life as I struggle for greatness in my daily activities.

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